great Christmas music
I'm looking forward to the brodcast of the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols tomorrow. I started listening to it last Christmas. It's one of the few things that gets in the Christmas spirit with the overloading and commercialization we have in our culture now. I saw a piece on the Newshour yesterday which summed it up beautifully. The brodcast for the Festival comes on tomorrow at noon if you're in the Tampa area. Or you can listen to it online or find when it's on your local npr station. I'm going to try to record it with my computer, so if you miss it and want to hear it, ask me later.
Oh, and don't forget Sufjan's stuff as well.
be nice to your ears...
I just read this article. I go to alot of shows and am rarely without earplugs. There aren't a whole lot of other people that wear them though. I remember when I first started going to shows regularly in college, I went to a show with MxPx, World Against World, and I think Spudgun without earplugs. That was a mistake. I don't make those kinds of mistakes very often any more.
If for some reason the text doesn't come up for the article, try this one. And here's another article I found on the same subject.
overdue concert pics
I've been meaning go get these up for a while and never got around to it. The last couple months have been really good for shows. Especially for Tampa.

The Ted Leo show was amazing. Standing there watching it, you get the feeling that you're experiencing something you'll be able to tell your kids about someday. They were that good.

Maggi, Pierce, and E.J. was just one of those rare finds. I heard them by chance on WMNF doing a live in-studio performance and decided to go see them live. They are a mostly folk, sometimes rock group from Pennsylvania and they are good. Lots of great three part harmonies.

Tegan & Sara put on a pretty good show as well. I can't say that I've ever been to a show with that many lesbians in the audience. Or just women in general. It was odd. I didn't really like the two opening acts, Vivek Shraya and Rachel Cantu. They just didn't do anything for me.

Xiu Xiu was good too. Very unique sound and vocals. Wasn't able to stay for their whole set, because it was going too late and I had to get some rest. I would definitely go see them again though.

Jack Williams was very enjoyable. This was the last Under the Oaks house concert. He is an incredible guitar player and a really funny guy. That melody he does at the end is quite impressive.
As always click on the images for the rest of the pictures. Next year is shaping up to be good too. Here's a list of the good ones that I've already heard of.
1/28 Sa - Son Volt - Jannus Landing
1/21 Sa - Mike Roe, Mike Pritzl - Gainesville Vineyard
2/3 Fr - Kaki King - Common Grounds, Gainesville FL
2/10 Fr - Andrew Bird, Tallahassee, FL - Club Downunder, FL State Univ.
2/17 Fr - Of Montreal, Orlando, FL - The Social
3/1 We - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Elefant, The Morning After Girls - The State Theatre, $12/$12, 7p
3/5 Su - Mute Math - The Social, 7p, $10
3/11-12 - Langerado - Markham Park, Sunrise, FL
3/21 Tu - Eisley - The Orpheum, $12/$12, 7p
5/12-13 - Cornerstone Florida
Merry Christmas!
Wal-Mart movie

I went and saw the Wal-Mart movie a little while ago and it was good. I mean, I knew there were problems, but wow. I think what made it so striking was the amount of first-hand accounts they had from former employees. Pretty much the whole movie was made up of interviews. I had meant to post earlier and encourage people to see one of the free screenings, but I didn't get around to it. I would certainly recommend it though. I found a good review here. Here's another link to Ebert & Roeper's review.
more shoulder stuff
I've got a few more shoulder pics. I went to the doctor again a little while ago. He said it's coming along well, but not out of the woods yet. Hopefully, it won't require another surgery. The first four pics that I added are of the plate and screws that are in my shoulder. The next four are of the piece that they would put in if the bone doesn't heal right and he would to do a shoulder replacement surgery. If that were the case, I wouldn't have half the range of motion that I had before the accident. Pics here.